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Was Your Loved One a Victim of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect in Colorado?

Bloch & Chapleau Nov 30th, 2020 Personal Injury

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Learning a loved one suffered abuse or neglect in a nursing home is devastating. It triggers a variety of emotions, none of them pleasant, and leaves you feeling helpless about your circumstances.

The good news is you aren’t helpless.

If a senior relative has been abused or neglected at the hands of their professional caregivers, legal support is available. You have a right to protect your loved one and compensation might be available for families that dealt with nursing home abuse and neglect.

What is Nursing Home Abuse or Nursing Home Neglect?

There are several different types of nursing home abuse and neglect. If you or a loved one experienced any of the following, you might be eligible to file a legal claim:

  • Emotional abuse including humiliation, ridicule, and intimidation
  • Physical abuse including hitting or any other types of physical attack
  • Sexual abuse, including any type of non-consensual sexual attack
  • Financial abuse, including stealing or mismanaging money or failing to pay bills on behalf of the patient
  • Neglect including failure to meet a person’s basic physical, medical, and emotional needs

It can be difficult to detect nursing home abuse or neglect. Some of the most common signs to watch for include:

  • Unexplained injuries
  • Severe emotional distress
  • Bed or pressure sores
  • Fear
  • Malnutrition or excess weight loss
  • Hygiene issues
  • Missing money or property
  • Unexplained financial withdrawals

What Should I Do If I Suspect Abuse or Neglect of a Loved One in a Nursing Home in Colorado?

If your loved one is being abused or neglected, his or her health and well-being are at stake. You must act quickly. It is better to be mistaken about nursing home abuse or neglect than to excuse obvious signs of a problem that leave your loved one vulnerable to further injury.

Nursing homes are responsible for the treatment of residents. Facilities can be held liable if any of the following played a role in your loved one’s injuries:

Remember, the facility is also “vicariously liable” for employee wrongdoing. Furthermore, they might also be liable if a third-party they contracted with or another resident under their care causes injures.

You are never helpless if a senior loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home.

Who Should I Contact about an Abused or Neglected Loved One?

The first step to take if you suspect mistreatment of a loved one in a nursing home is to seek immediate medical treatment of any injuries. Next, you’ll want to speak to someone who can help you investigate your suspicions.

It’s important to remember the immediate medical treatment your loved one receives might not be enough. Many abused or neglected people, especially those abused by a caregiver, also need to speak to a therapist or mental health counselor who has experience dealing with abused patients.

You should also document all of your loved one’s medical treatment and associated costs. This is information you’ll want to share with your attorney.

If you suspect nursing home abuse or neglect of a loved one, we can help. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Bloch & Chapleau LLC by calling toll free (303) 331-1700 or fill out our online contact form.

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